Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday hill workout - 8 miles total

I went to the evening hill workout after work since I had run moderately long and hard on Sunday night and wasn't up for doing a hill workout 10 hours later. I did a 2.5 mile warmup and arrived just before the workout was starting. We were doing 25 minutes of hill relays on the cloverleaf where we would run hard around the cloverleaf to the finish at the top of the hill and when we passed the finish cone our partner would take off and run the loop while we walked down to the start. Sam was there and had already partnered up with a guy named James, but I joined their group and just ran the workout with Sam. We got in 16 hills in the 25 minutes. The starting cone was a little farther back than the last time I ran here so the times aren't really comparable. My first hill was 45 seconds, but then we dropped down into the 42-43 second range for most of them and my fastest was a 40 second hill and we had about 50 seconds recovery from when we finished to when we were starting the next hill. It was a tough workout and my legs were toast by the end of the workout.

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