Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday - 8 miles

I headed to the Park Sunday morning planning on running 6 - 7 miles. When I got to the tennis center I saw Sean, Luis and Gerardo waiting around. Sean said they were going to run at a relatively slow pace so I stretched out for a couple of minutes and then we took off after a few more guys showed up. We ran around the park and out to the Polo fields and around the Polo fields and back to the park. We started out about 7:30 pace the first mile, but I was down to 6:30 pace hanging on Sean and Luis tail the last mile and I finished the 8 miles in a little over 57 minutes. It was nice having some people to run with. If I were by myself, I probably would have done most of the run at 7:20 - 7:40 pace.

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