Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July 5k - 16:59 - 10th overall

I wasn't really disappointed, but not really thrilled with how I ran in this race. I was hoping to run 15 - 30 seconds quicker but considering the times most of the other people were running, I don't feel too bad. I decided to start off a little easier and see if it would help me have something left in the tank at the end of the race. I was running a comfortable pace about 1/2 a mile in, but the guys I usually run with were pulling away from me. I hit the first mile in 5:34 which was about 10 seconds slower than I was planning on running. After mile 1 I picked up the pace some and started catching some of the guys ahead of me. I passed Joe Flores and John Yoder during mile 2 and started catching up to Sam Rodriguez and Joe Oviedo. My mile 2 split was 5:24 and I the guys ahead of me looked like they were slowing down some. I passed Sam and Joe Oviedo and Gerardo Mora was the only person ahead of me within striking distance. He had about a 5 or 6 second lead on me with about 3/4 of a mile to go, but I just wasn't reeling him in very fast. My mile 3 split was 5:30. I tried to pick it up the last tenth of a mile but he looked back and saw me coming and picked it up a little more to finish a couple seconds ahead of me. The weather was miserable like usual - about 80 degrees and very humid out. I was glad that my first mile was the slowest though I would have liked my last mile to be down around 5:20 or better.

I don't have any races on the horizon. I'll probably just work on starting to building up my base mileage and getting into shape for some of the longer fall races.

1 comment:

  1. Geoff, you ran a great race man, in brutal conditions. Can't ask a whole lot more out of yourself on a day like we had out there.

    Keep on truckin' along.
